Bite-Sized Soul Care Wisdom for a Lighter, Brighter You

Find Your Peace and Purpose in the Practical

Bite-Sized Soul Care Wisdom for a Lighter, Brighter You

Find Your Peace and Purpose in the Practical

Find Strength in Every Step

Worn out by the daily grind? Personal and professional pressures can overwhelm you and drain your energy, making each day a struggle.

You don’t have to navigate it alone.

In my short blogs and bite-sized audio clips, I share uplifting, practical insights to help you reclaim joy and clarity in your life. You’ll find encouragement here, whether you’re seeking peace, resilience, or less mental clutter. Together, we’ll nourish your spirit and embrace a more vibrant life.

Join me in this journey to find strength and serenity, one step at a time.

Spreading Sunshine One Smile at a Time

Hi, I’m Christina, and my mission is simple: to spread sunshine, one smile at a time.

As a soul care advocate, author, blogger and speaker, I bring a wealth of experience from education, ministry, nutrition, and corporate training. Yet, my greatest insights come from “life’s lumps and launches,” the challenges and triumphs that shape us all. Through these experiences, I share “slices of PIE” – Practical, Inspiring, and Encouraging messages that offer hope and resilience.

I hope to be remembered with these words:
She smiled. She encouraged. She wrote. She believed.”

Spreading Sunshine One Smile at a Time

Hi, I’m Christina, and my mission is simple: to spread sunshine, one smile at a time.

Spreading Sunshine One Smile at a Time

Hi, I’m Christina, and my mission is simple: to spread sunshine, one smile at a time.

Nourish Your Soul, Ignite Your Spirit

How I Can Help You

Page-Turning Inspiration

Discover stories that weave together wit and wisdom, offering you a fresh perspective and courage to embrace vulnerability.

Inspiration in Bite-Sized Pieces

Prefer to listen? My “A SLICE OF PIE” Audio blog serves up bite-sized pieces of Practical, Inspiring, and Encouraging wisdom to brighten your day in five minutes or less.

Connect, Elevate, and Inspire

Experience light-hearted, inspiring talks where I share stories and insights that spark joy and encourage authentic living.

What Others Are Saying…

A Guiding Voice to Keep You Focused and Flexible

Christina is a friendly helping voice of reinforcement to what your goals are and could be. Her support has helped me focus and remain diligent. She helped me see how flexible one’s path can be within a set of goals.
David S
Owensboro, KY

A Positive Influence with Unwavering Encouragement

Christina offered to coach my twelve-year-old daughter, an aspiring writer I knew this was the answer to my prayers, but as a parent I was still hesitant. I had no idea what coaching entailed. Over the years though, I have had the privilege of getting to know Christina and witnessing her incredibly positive, motivational influence.
Louisville, TN

A Patient Listener with Profound Insights

Christina is always willing to listen to anything I bring to the table with a patient ear and gentle heart. She’s pushed me to think more deeply about my writing and ask myself questions that make me consider things in a different light. I am so grateful to Christina for the profound affect her thoughtful coaching has had on my writing.
Maryville, TN

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